Saturday, September 25, 2010


yay!!...i met sOmeOne last nIte!! feeLIng?? nice+ePy+nervOUs ( coz 1st timE wE meT!! )...actuaLLy,there aRe maNy Time he wants to meet me...hangOut together...buT i doNt NOe...i always gave a lot of pity to Him...but yesTerdaY, he invite me again to hangOut with hIm...then,im thought so carefuLLy to go hangoUt wiTh hIm o nOt...After a fEw minUtes,i agrEE...

he is type of person...Urmm...i dont noe...bUt on my eyEs, when i lOOk he...he is type of gentlemeN...niCe...friEndly...i likes him so muCh...i dont noE why...but really,im likes him...mayb he is my type =) far, he not likes other persOn that i mEt...he totally different!!...

whEn to angsaNa...he wants to play bowlIng...i dont minD bOut daT ( heheh!!,coz leh men kit2...2 yg xksh 2)...bUt i noE,i wiLL loST!!...hahaha...(coz bola knFim asik msOk lOngkanG jerK!) Last at the eNd,yes!!! lOst with him...lalalalala...dy ckaP sPe kaLah banje Ne nk banje...oNgkos nye nggaK ada sih!!! =(...last2...dy gK yg banjE...tq a Lot!!!

oh God!!...i likes him buT i worried...i worried if he dont likes me =(...

now,MayBe i SS...yoU noE rite SS is what???...huhu...adoyaI,fara liana dh xtOl dh skG ni...wink***

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